C8051F352-GQ, 8 Bit MCU, смешанных сигналов, C8051 Family C8051F35x Series Microcontrollers, 50 МГц, 8 КБ

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C8051F352-GQ, 8 Bit MCU, смешанных сигналов, C8051 Family C8051F35x Series Microcontrollers, 50 МГц, 8 КБ

C8051F352-GQ, 8 Bit MCU, смешанных сигналов, C8051 Family C8051F35x Series Microcontrollers, 50 МГц, 8 КБ

картинка C8051F352-GQ, 8 Bit MCU, смешанных сигналов, C8051 Family C8051F35x Series Microcontrollers, 50 МГц, 8 КБ
560 руб.
Silicon Laboratories
Полное описание

The C8051F352-GQ is a highly integrated mixed-signal 8-bit ISP Flash Microcontroller featuring a powerful 8051 core with 50MHz performance. This analog-intensive microcontroller features a 16-bit 8-channel 1ksps ADC, a 8-bit 2-channel DAC, a comparator and an on-chip temperature sensor. The C8051F352 also offers 8kB Flash, 0.75kB RAM along with I?C, SPI, UART communication interfaces and 4 x 16-bit timers. With on-chip POR, VDD monitor, watchdog timer, a ±2% internal oscillator and high analog integration. This device is truly stand-alone system-on-a-chip solutions. The flash memory can be reprogrammed even in-circuit, providing non-volatile data storage and also allowing field upgrades of the 8051 firmware. User software has complete control of all peripherals and may individually shut down any or all peripherals for power savings.

• Pipelined instruction architecture - Executes 70% of instruction set in 1 or 2 system clocks
• Up to 50MIPS throughput
• Expanded interrupt handler
• Low current comparator
• On-chip debug circuitry facilitates full speed, non-intrusive in-system debug
• Provides breakpoints, single stepping, inspect/modify memory and registers
• Superior performance to emulation systems using ICE-chips, target pods and sockets
• Hardware enhanced UART, SMBus™ and SPI™ serial ports
• Four general purpose 16-bit counter/timers
• 16-bit Programmable counter array (PCA) with five capture/compare modules
• Real-time clock mode using PCA or timer and external clock source
• Internal oscillator - 24.5MHz with ± 2% accuracy supports UART operation
• External oscillator - Crystal, RC, C or clock (1 or 2 pin modes)
• Clock multiplier to achieve 50MHz internal clock
• Can switch between clock sources on-the-fly

Полупроводники - Микросхемы\Микроконтроллеры - MCU\Микроконтроллеры 8 бит

Технические параметры

Максимальное Напряжение Питания3.6В
Минимальное Напряжение Питания2.7В
Количество Выводов32вывод(-ов)
Количество I/O17I/O
Скорость ЦПУ50МГц
Стиль Корпуса МикроконтроллераLQFP
Размер Памяти8КБ
Тип Встроенного Интерфейсаi2c, spi, uart
Размер Памяти RAM768Байт
Линейка ПродукцииC8051 Family C8051F35x Series Microcontrollers
Семейство МикроконтроллераC8051
Серия МикроконтроллераC8051F35x
Вес, г20
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