CY8C24223A-24PVXI, 8 Bit MCU, PSOC1, PSOC 1 Family CY8C24x23A Series Microcontrollers, 24 МГц, 4 КБ, 256 Байт

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CY8C24223A-24PVXI, 8 Bit MCU, PSOC1, PSOC 1 Family CY8C24x23A Series Microcontrollers, 24 МГц, 4 КБ, 256 Байт

CY8C24223A-24PVXI, 8 Bit MCU, PSOC1, PSOC 1 Family CY8C24x23A Series Microcontrollers, 24 МГц, 4 КБ, 256 Байт

картинка CY8C24223A-24PVXI, 8 Bit MCU, PSOC1, PSOC 1 Family CY8C24x23A Series Microcontrollers, 24 МГц, 4 КБ, 256 Байт
470 руб.
Cypress Semiconductor
Полное описание

The CY8C24223A-24PVXI is a 8-bit PSoC® Programmable System-on-Chip Microcontroller designed to replace multiple traditional MCU-based system components with a single-chip programmable component. A PSoC device include configurable blocks of analog and digital logic and programmable interconnects. This architecture makes it possible for you to create customized peripheral configurations that match the requirements of each individual application. Additionally, a fast CPU, flash program memory, SRAM data memory and configurable I/O. The PSoC architecture consists of four main areas, PSoC core, digital system, analog system and system resources. Configurable global busing allows combining all the device resources into a complete custom system. The PSoC CY8C24x23A family has three I/O ports that connect to the global digital and analog interconnects, providing access to four digital blocks and six analog blocks.

• Powerful Harvard-architecture processor
• M8C Processor speeds up to 24MHz
• 8 x 8 Multiply, 32-bit accumulate
• 14-bit Analog-to-digital converters (ADCs)
• 9-bit Digital-to-analog converters (DACs)
• Programmable gain amplifiers (PGAs)
• Programmable filters and comparators
• Cyclical redundancy check (CRC) and pseudo random sequence (PRS) modules
• Full-duplex universal asynchronous receiver transmitter (UART)
• Multiple serial peripheral interface (SPI) masters or slaves
• Can connect to all general-purpose I/O (GPIO) pins
• Complex peripherals by combining blocks
• High accuracy 24MHz with optional 32kHz crystal and phase-locked loop (PLL)
• Optional external oscillator up to 24MHz
• Internal oscillator for watchdog and sleep
• 4kB Flash program storage
• 256byte SRAM data storage
• In-system serial programming (ISSP)
• Partial flash updates
• Flexible protection modes

Полупроводники - Микросхемы\Микроконтроллеры - MCU\Микроконтроллеры 8 бит

Технические параметры

Максимальное Напряжение Питания5.25В
Минимальное Напряжение Питания2.4В
Количество Выводов20вывод(-ов)
Количество I/O16I/O
Скорость ЦПУ24МГц
Стиль Корпуса МикроконтроллераSSOP
Размер Памяти4КБ
Тип Встроенного Интерфейсаi2c, spi, uart
Размер Памяти RAM256Байт
Линейка ПродукцииPSoC 1 Family CY8C24x23A Series Microcontrollers
Семейство МикроконтроллераPSoC 1
Серия МикроконтроллераCY8C24x23A
ПроизводительCypress Semiconductor
Вес, г0.173
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