67F110, Переключатель термостата, субминиатюрный, биметаллический диск, серия 6700, 80 C, НР, TO-220

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67F110, Переключатель термостата, субминиатюрный, биметаллический диск, серия 6700, 80 C, НР, TO-220

67F110, Переключатель термостата, субминиатюрный, биметаллический диск, серия 6700, 80 C, НР, TO-220

картинка 67F110, Переключатель термостата, субминиатюрный, биметаллический диск, серия 6700, 80 C, НР, TO-220
610 руб.
Полное описание

The 6700 series sub-miniature Bimetallic Thermostat with positive snap action, single pole/single throw, provides accurate and reliable sensing and switching in a single device. The 6700 provides fast, positive response with excellent repeatability. The thermostat has a switch capability of up to 0.5A for 48VDC and achieves low-level switching down to 0.001A to 0.020A at 5VDC for 100.000 cycles. Temperature is pre-set at the factory and is non-adjustable in the field. Thermal conductivity is mainly through the terminals and the mounting bracket making the unit ideal for both surface mount and ambient air sensing. The nickel-plated copper mounting bracket comes standard or you can utilize the laminated plastic mounting bracket for increased dielectric strength and VDE approval. Primarily developed for thermal management applications on power supplies, the Airpax™ 6700 series is also ideally suited for use on crowded PC boards.

• Ideal for surface and air sensing on PC boards and heat sinks
• VDE approved with P bracket option
• Gold-plated contacts
• Up to 20.000 life cycles at maximum standard amperage
• Up to 100.000 life cycles at maximum gold contact amperage
• 150mR Maximum contact resistance
• 2x Round 0.25mm? irradiated PVC insulated grey cable

Датчики и Преобразователи\Датчики\Датчики Температуры

Технические параметры

Клеммы ДатчикаСквозное Отверстие
Корпус Датчикаto-220
Рейтинг Контакта1А при 120В АС, 1А при 48В DC
Рабочий Режим КонтактаНормально Разомкнутый
Температура Переключения110 C
Температуры Сброса80 C
Линейка Продукции6700 Series
Вес, г1.588
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