L6599ATD, Резонансный контроллер, 8.85В до 16В вход, NSOIC-16

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L6599ATD, Резонансный контроллер, 8.85В до 16В вход, NSOIC-16

L6599ATD, Резонансный контроллер, 8.85В до 16В вход, NSOIC-16

картинка L6599ATD, Резонансный контроллер, 8.85В до 16В вход, NSOIC-16
310 руб.
ST Microelectronics
Полное описание

The L6599ATD is a double-ended improved high voltage Resonant Controller specific to series-resonant half bridge topology. It provides 50% complementary duty cycle: the high-side switch and the low-side switch are driven ON/OFF 180° out-of-phase for exactly the same time. Output voltage regulation is obtained by modulating the operating frequency. A fixed dead-time inserted between the turn-OFF of one switch and the turn-ON of the other guarantees soft-switching and enables high-frequency operation. To drive the high-side switch with the bootstrap approach, the IC incorporates a high voltage floating structure able to withstand more than 600V with a synchronous-driven high voltage DMOS that replaces the external fast-recovery bootstrap diode. The IC enables the designer to set the operating frequency range of the converter by means of an externally programmable oscillator.

• 50% Duty cycle, variable frequency control of resonant half bridge
• High accuracy oscillator
• Up to 500kHz Operating frequency
• Two-level OCP - Frequency-shift and latched shutdown
• Interface with PFC controller
• Latched disable input
• Burst mode operation at light load
• Input for power-ON/OFF sequencing or brownout protection
• Non-linear soft-start for monotonic output voltage rise
• 600V - Rail compatible high-side gate driver with integrated bootstrap diode and high dv/dt immunity
• -300/700mA high-side and low-side gate drivers with UVLO pull-down
• Guaranteed for extreme temperature ranges

Полупроводники - Микросхемы\Специальные Функции

Технические параметры

Минимальная Рабочая Температура-50 C
Максимальная Рабочая Температура150 C
Максимальное Напряжение Питания16В
Минимальное Напряжение Питания8.85В
Количество Выводов16вывод(-ов)
Тип Корпуса ИСNSOIC
Функция МикросхемыРезонансный Контроллер
Вес, г0.638
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