SN74S124N, ГУН, 85МГц, 4.75В до 5.25В, DIP-16

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SN74S124N, ГУН, 85МГц, 4.75В до 5.25В, DIP-16

SN74S124N, ГУН, 85МГц, 4.75В до 5.25В, DIP-16

картинка SN74S124N, ГУН, 85МГц, 4.75В до 5.25В, DIP-16
890 руб.
Texas Instruments
Полное описание

The SN74S124N is a dual Voltage-controlled Oscillator in a single monolithic chip. The output frequency of each VCO is established by an external capacitor in combination with two voltage-sensitive inputs, one for frequency range and one for frequency control. These inputs can be used to vary the output frequency as shown under typical characteristics. These highly stable oscillators can be set to operate at any frequency typically between 0.12Hz and 85MHz. While the enable input is low, the output is enabled. While the enable input is high, the output is high. This device can operate from a single 5V supply. However, one set of supply-voltage and ground pins (VCC and GND) is provided for the enable, synchronization-gating and output sections and a separate set (GND) and is provided for the oscillator and associated frequency-control circuits so that effective isolation can be accomplished in the system.

• Output frequency set by single external component
• Capacitor for fixed or variable-frequency operation
• Separate Supply Voltage Pins
• Highly stable operation over specified temperature and/or supply voltage ranges

Полупроводники - Микросхемы\Таймеры, Генераторы и Управление Частотой\Таймеры, Осцилляторы и Импульсные Генераторы

Технические параметры

Минимальная Рабочая Температура0 C
Максимальная Рабочая Температура70 C
Максимальное Напряжение Питания5.25В
Минимальное Напряжение Питания4.75В
Количество Выводов16вывод(-ов)
Корпус Цифровой ИСdip
Вес, г1.667
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