TRF7960RHBR, РЧИД, 13.56МГц, считыватель, активный RX 10мА, 2.7В до 5.5В питание, QFN-32

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TRF7960RHBR, РЧИД, 13.56МГц, считыватель, активный RX 10мА, 2.7В до 5.5В питание, QFN-32

TRF7960RHBR, РЧИД, 13.56МГц, считыватель, активный RX 10мА, 2.7В до 5.5В питание, QFN-32

картинка TRF7960RHBR, РЧИД, 13.56МГц, считыватель, активный RX 10мА, 2.7В до 5.5В питание, QFN-32
670 руб.
Texas Instruments
Полное описание

The TRF7960RHBR is a Fully Integrated 13.56MHz RFID Reader/Writer IC configured by selecting the desired protocol in the control registers. Built-in programming options make it suitable for a wide range of applications for proximity and vicinity RFID systems. Direct access to all control registers allows fine tuning of various reader parameters as needed. A parallel or serial interface can be implemented for communication between the MCU and reader. Transmit and receive functions use internal encoders and decoders with a 12-byte FIFO register. For direct transmit or receive functions, the encoders/decoders can be bypassed so the MCU can process the data in real time. The transmitter has selectable output power levels of 100mW (20dBm) or 200mW (23dBm) into a 50- load (5V supply) and is capable of ASK or OOK modulation. Integrated voltage regulators ensure power-supply noise rejection for the complete reader system.

• Completely integrated protocol handling
• Separate internal high-PSRR power supplies for analogue, digital and PA sections
• Provide noise isolation for superior read range and reliability
• Dual receiver inputs with AM and PM demodulation to minimize communication holes
• Receiver AM and PM RSSI
• Reader-to-reader anti-collision
• High integration reduces total BOM and board area
• Single external 13.56MHz crystal oscillator
• Easy to use with high flexibility
• Ultralow power modes
• Parallel 8-bit or serial 4-pin SPI interface with MCU using 12-byte FIFO
• Green product and no Sb/Br

Полупроводники - Микросхемы\РЧ\РЧИД

Технические параметры

Выходная мощность200мВт
Максимальное Напряжение Питания5.5В
Минимальное Напряжение Питания2.7В
Количество Выводов32вывод(-ов)
Потребление Тока10мА
Максимальная Частота13.56МГц
Стиль Корпуса Радиочастотной МикросхемыQFN
Тип RFID МикросхемыСчитыватель
Вес, г0.067
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