MAX2601ESA+, РЧ усилитель, 11.6дБ усиление, DC до 1ГГЦ, 17В коллектор-эмиттер, мощность 1Вт, NSOIC-8

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MAX2601ESA+, РЧ усилитель, 11.6дБ усиление, DC до 1ГГЦ, 17В коллектор-эмиттер, мощность 1Вт, NSOIC-8

MAX2601ESA+, РЧ усилитель, 11.6дБ усиление, DC до 1ГГЦ, 17В коллектор-эмиттер, мощность 1Вт, NSOIC-8

картинка MAX2601ESA+, РЧ усилитель, 11.6дБ усиление, DC до 1ГГЦ, 17В коллектор-эмиттер, мощность 1Вт, NSOIC-8
510 руб.
Maxim Semiconductor
Полное описание

The MAX2601ESA+ is a RF power transistor for 900MHz application in 8 pin NSOIC package. This high performance silicon bipolar RF power transistor is optimized for use in portable cellular and wireless equipment that operates from three NiCd/NiMH cells or one Li-Ion cell. It delivers 1W of RF power from 3.6V supply with efficiency of 58% when biased for constant envelope applications (such as FM or FSK). For NADC (IS-54) operation, it delivers 29dBm with -28dBc ACPR from 4.8V supply. Silicon bipolar technology eliminates the need for voltage inverters and sequencing circuitry as required by GaAsFET power amplifiers. Furthermore, a drain switch is not required to turn off MAX2601. This increases operating time in two ways. It allows lower system end of life battery voltage and it eliminates wasted power from drain switch device. The MAX2601 is used in narrow band PCS (NPCS), 915MHz ISM transmitters, microcellular GSM (power class 5), two way paging and CDPD modems.

• DC current gain of 100 at IC = 250mA, VCE = 3V
• Operating temperature range from -40°C to 85°C
• DC to microwave operating range
• Can be used as final stage in a discrete or module power amplifier
• Does not require negative bias or supply switch
• Collector emitter breakdown voltage of 15V (open base) and 15V (shorted base) at IC <, 100µA
• Collector base breakdown voltage of 15V at IC = 250mA, VCE = 3V
• Collector cut-off current of 0.05µA at VCE = 6V, VBE = 0V and base current of 4.2mA
• Power gain of 11.6dB at POUT = 30dBm and noise figure of 3.3dB at VBB = 0.9V

Полупроводники - Микросхемы\РЧ\РЧ Усилители

Технические параметры

Минимальная Рабочая Температура-40 C
Максимальная Рабочая Температура85 C
Максимальное Напряжение Питания3.6В
Количество Выводов8вывод(-ов)
Максимальная Частота1ггц
Минимальная Частота0Гц
Типичное Значение Коэффициента Шума3.3дБ
Стиль Корпуса Радиочастотной МикросхемыNSOIC
Вес, г0.231
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