AFE031AIRGZT, Связь линии питания, устройство AFE, 3В до 3.6В, VQFN-48

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AFE031AIRGZT, Связь линии питания, устройство AFE, 3В до 3.6В, VQFN-48

AFE031AIRGZT, Связь линии питания, устройство AFE, 3В до 3.6В, VQFN-48

картинка AFE031AIRGZT, Связь линии питания, устройство AFE, 3В до 3.6В, VQFN-48
590 руб.
Texas Instruments
Полное описание

The AFE031AIRGZT is an integrated, Powerline Communications (PLC) Analog Front End that is capable of capacitive- or transformer-coupled connections to the powerline while under the control of a DSP or microcontroller. It is ideal for driving low-impedance lines that require up to 1.5A into reactive loads. This monolithic integrated circuit provides high reliability in demanding powerline communications applications. The AFE031 is internally protected against overtemperature and short-circuit conditions. It also provides an adjustable current limit. An interrupt output is provided that indicates both current limit and thermal limit. There is also a shutdown pin that can be used to quickly put the device into its lowest power state. Through the four-wire serial peripheral interface or SPI™, each functional block can be enabled or disabled to optimize power dissipation.

• Integrated powerline driver with thermal and overcurrent protection
• Conforms to EN50065-1
• PRIME certified
• 12Vp-p at 1.5A Large output swing
• 15mW (Receive Mode) Low power consumption
• Programmable Tx and Rx filters
• Supports EN50065 CENELEC bands A, B, C, D
• Supports FSK, S-FSK and OFDM
• Supports PRIME, G3, IEC 61334
• 20µVRMS (typical) Receive sensitivity
• Programmable Tx and Rx gain control
• Two integrated zero crossing detectors
• Two-wire transceiver buffer

Полупроводники - Микросхемы\Специальные Функции

Технические параметры

Минимальная Рабочая Температура-40 C
Максимальная Рабочая Температура150 C
Максимальное Напряжение Питания3.6В
Минимальное Напряжение Питания
Количество Выводов48вывод(-ов)
Тип Корпуса ИСVQFN
Функция МикросхемыАналоговое Устройство Front End
Вес, г0.815
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