ISL3179EFBZ, Приемопередатчик RS422 / RS485, 3В-3.6В, SOIC-8

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ISL3179EFBZ, Приемопередатчик RS422 / RS485, 3В-3.6В, SOIC-8

ISL3179EFBZ, Приемопередатчик RS422 / RS485, 3В-3.6В, SOIC-8

картинка ISL3179EFBZ, Приемопередатчик RS422 / RS485, 3В-3.6В, SOIC-8
380 руб.
Renesas Technology
Полное описание

The ISL3179EFBZ is a high ESD protected 3.3V Powered Single Transceiver that meet both the RS-485 and RS-422 standards for balanced communication. Each device has low bus currents (+220µA/-150µA), so it presents a 1/5 unit load to the RS-485 bus. This allows up to 160 transceivers on the network without violating the RS-485 specification's 32 unit load maximum and without using repeaters. Receiver (Rx) inputs feature a full fail-safe design, which ensures a logic high Rx output if Rx inputs are floating, shorted or terminated but undriven. The ISL3180E is configured for full duplex applications. The ISL3179E half duplex version multiplexes the Rx inputs and Tx outputs to allow a transceiver with an output disable function. Hot plug circuitry ensures that the Tx and Rx outputs remain in a high impedance state while the power supply stabilizes.

• High data rates up to 40Mbps
• 5V Tolerant logic inputs
• 1/5 Unit load allows up to 160 devices on the bus
• Full fail-safe (open, shorted, terminated/undriven) receiver
• Hot plug - Tx and Rx outputs remain three-state during power-up
• 4mA Maximum low quiescent current
• 1µA Maximum low current shutdown mode
• -7 to +12V Common-mode input voltage range
• Three-state Rx and Tx outputs
• 16/16.5ns (maximum) Tx/Rx propagation delays, 1.5ns (maximum) skew
• Operates from a single +3.3V supply (10% tolerance)
• Current limiting and thermal shutdown for driver overload protection

Полупроводники - Микросхемы\Драйверы и Интерфейсы\Приемопередатчики RS232, RS485, RS422

Технические параметры

Тип устройстваRS422 / RS485 Приемопередатчик
Минимальная Рабочая Температура-40 C
Максимальная Рабочая Температура125 C
Максимальное Напряжение Питания3.6В
Минимальное Напряжение Питания
Количество Выводов8вывод(-ов)
Тип Интерфейса ИСrs422, rs485
Количество Приводов1драйвер(-ов)
Стиль Корпуса ПриводаSOIC
Количество Приемников1Receivers
Вес, г0.605
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