QRD1114, Датчик оптический рефлекторный

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QRD1114, Датчик оптический рефлекторный

QRD1114, Датчик оптический рефлекторный

картинка QRD1114, Датчик оптический рефлекторный
96 руб.
Fairchild Semiconductor
Полное описание

The QRD1114 is a Reflective Object Sensor consists of an infrared emitting diode and an NPN silicon photodarlington mounted side by side in a black plastic housing. The on-axis radiation of the emitter and the on-axis response of the detector are both perpendicular to the face of the QRD1114. The photodarlington responds to radiation emitted from the diode only when a reflective object or surface is in the field of view of the detector.

• Phototransistor Output
• No Contact Surface Sensing
• Unfocused for Sensing Diffused Surfaces
• Daylight Filter on Sensor

Технические параметры

Вес, г0.5
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