LMT01LPG, Датчик температуры

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LMT01LPG, Датчик температуры

LMT01LPG, Датчик температуры

картинка LMT01LPG, Датчик температуры
220 руб.
Texas Instruments
Полное описание
Remote & Local Temperature Sensors
Texas Instruments range of remote & local temperature sensors measure their own temperature and that of one or more external devices. Examples of external devices could be <,B>,thermal diodes<,/B>, contained within microcontrollers, microprocessors or FPGAs, or <,B>,diode-connected transistors<,/B>,.<,BR/>,<,BR/>,The remote & local temperature sensors have <,B>,extra features<,/B>, to enhance temperature measurement such as beta compensation, series resistance cancellation, programmable non-ideality factor, programmable resolution, programmable threshold limits, minimum and maximum temperature monitors, diode fault detection and a temperature alert function.<,BR/>,<,BR/>,<,B>,Applications<,/B>, that are suitable for remote & local temperature sensor usage include telecommunications and network infrastructure, thermal management within computer systems, electronic test equipment, office electronics, industrial and medical equipment and LCD/DLP®/LCOS projectors.

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