ULINKPLUS, адаптер отладки ULINKplus

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ULINKPLUS, адаптер отладки ULINKplus

ULINKPLUS, адаптер отладки ULINKplus

картинка ULINKPLUS, адаптер отладки ULINKplus
62 170 руб.
Полное описание

The ULINKPLUS from ARM is a an innovative universal debug/trace adapter. It enables test automation, software optimization for ultra-low power applications and isolation for high speed debug and SWV trace of sensitive hardware systems. The compact enclosure allows usage in harsh environments and provides standard target connectors for JTAG, power measurement and general purpose I/O. It connects users PC's USB port to their target system. It allows to program, debug and analyse applications and their power consumption using its outstanding power measurement technology. ULINKplus together with MDK provides extended on-the-fly debug capabilities for Cortex-M devices. A unique feature of ULINKplus is the power measurement capability. It utilizes two high precision 16bit sigma-delta A/D converters with 20MHz sample rate for high signal/noise ratio. This is essential for debugging applications such as motor control, power converters or systems with sensitive analogue processing.

• Connects to any Arm Cortex based device and offers multi-core debugging
• Uses CMSIS-DAP interface which is widely supported by many debuggers
• Provides isolated JTAG/serial-wire pins, isolated power measurement connections to target hardware
• USB 2.0 high speed connection using the CMSIS-DAP debug protocol
• Provides general purpose I/Os accessible from debug views or from debug scripts
• Supports Arm Cortex-A, Cortex-M and heterogeneous devices equipped with CoreSight debug unit
• ULINKplus offers fast and reliable target connections, wide target voltage range from 1.2V to 5.5V
• USB 2.0 high-speed connection using CMSIS-DAP debug protocol, 10 pin Cortex debug connector
• Electrical isolation from target system is integrated up to 1KV
• USB powered (no power supply required), hot-plugging to running targets

Макетные Платы, Инструменты Оценки\Отладчики, Эмуляторы, JTAG Инструменты и Аксессуары\Отладчики, Эмуляторы и JTAG Инструменты

Технические параметры

Архитектура Ядраarm
Подархитектура ЯдраCortex-M
Тип Продукта Микросхемыотладчик
Вес, г129.3
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