PG164100, Debugger/Programmer, MPLAB Snap, In-Circuit, For PIC, dsPIC, AVR Flash MCUs

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PG164100, Debugger/Programmer, MPLAB Snap, In-Circuit, For PIC, dsPIC, AVR Flash MCUs

PG164100, Debugger/Programmer, MPLAB Snap, In-Circuit, For PIC, dsPIC, AVR Flash MCUs

картинка PG164100, Debugger/Programmer, MPLAB Snap, In-Circuit, For PIC, dsPIC, AVR Flash MCUs
710 руб.
Полное описание

The MPLAB Snap In-Circuit Debugger allows fast and easy debugging and programming using the powerful graphical user inetrface of MPLAB X IDE or MPLAB IDE. The debugger works with Microchip PIC, dsPIC, Flash, AVR or DSC devices. It will also work with 32-bit SAM, CEC and PIC32 devices.The MPLAB Snap connects to the computer using a high-speed USB interface and connects to the target via a Microchip debug 8-pin Single In-Line (SIL) connector. The SIL connector uses two device I/O pins and the reset line to implement in-circuit debugging and In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP).

• Connects to computer via high-speed USB 2.0
• An 8-Pin SIL programming connector and the option to use various interfaces
• Programs devices using MPLAB X IDE or MPLAB IDE
• Supports 4-wire JTAG and Serial Wire Debug
• Backwards compatibility with 2-wire systems

Макетные Платы, Инструменты Оценки\Отладчики, Эмуляторы, JTAG Инструменты и Аксессуары\Отладчики, Эмуляторы и JTAG Инструменты

Технические параметры

Тип Продукта МикросхемыВнутрисхемный Отладчик
Вес, г55.79
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