SLSDA001A, Adapter Board, Simplicity Debug Adapter, For Wireless Starter Kits, ARM Cortex 10-Pin Connector

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SLSDA001A, Adapter Board, Simplicity Debug Adapter, For Wireless Starter Kits, ARM Cortex 10-Pin Connector

SLSDA001A, Adapter Board, Simplicity Debug Adapter, For Wireless Starter Kits, ARM Cortex 10-Pin Connector

картинка SLSDA001A, Adapter Board, Simplicity Debug Adapter, For Wireless Starter Kits, ARM Cortex 10-Pin Connector
940 руб.
Silicon Laboratories
Полное описание

The simplicity debug adapter board plugs directly into the debug connector and the simplicity connector on a Wireless Starter Kit (WSTK) or a subset of Starter Kits (STK) and combines selected functionality from these two to a smaller footprint 10pin connector which is more suitable for space constrained designs. The ARM® Cortex® 10-pin debug connector follows the standard Cortex pin-put defined by ARM and allows the WSTKs and STKs to be used to debug hardware designs that use this connector.

• Silicon Labs mini simplicity and ARM Cortex 10pin debug connector, Silicon Labs ISA3 packet trace
• SWD, JTAG, C2, ETM, AEM, PTI, VCOM and Virtual UART (advanced debug features)

Макетные Платы, Инструменты Оценки\Отладчики, Эмуляторы, JTAG Инструменты и Аксессуары\Отладчики, Эмуляторы и JTAG Инструменты

Технические параметры

Архитектура Ядраarm
Тип Продукта МикросхемыОтладчик / Программатор
Вес, г50
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