MSP-GANG, Программатор GANG, для MSP430, быстрое программирование MSP устройств на базе Flash или FRAM

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MSP-GANG, Программатор GANG, для MSP430, быстрое программирование MSP устройств на базе Flash или FRAM

MSP-GANG, Программатор GANG, для MSP430, быстрое программирование MSP устройств на базе Flash или FRAM

картинка MSP-GANG, Программатор GANG, для MSP430, быстрое программирование MSP устройств на базе Flash или FRAM
24 550 руб.
Texas Instruments
Полное описание

The MSP-GANG is a production programmer for MSP430 device that can program up to eight identical MSP430 flash or FRAM devices at the same time. The MSP Gang Programmer connects to a host PC using a standard RS232 or USB connection and provides flexible programming options that allow the user to fully customize the process. The MSP Gang programmer is provided with an expansion board, called the Gang splitter, that implements the interconnections between the MSP Gang programmer and multiple target devices. Eight cables are provided that connect the expansion board to eight target devices (via JTAG or Spy bi wire connectors). The programming can be done with a PC or as a standalone device. A PC side graphical user interface is also available and is DLL based.

• 3x faster than the previous GANG programmer version, MSP-GANG430
• Quickly and reliably program flash or FRAM based MSP devices via an RS232 or USB interface
• Intuitive GUI for configuring, programming & testing production setup
• SD Card slot for storing images
• LCD screen for easy programming without a PC
• Supports up to eight targets simultaneously
• Supports all current and future MSP430 devices

Макетные Платы, Инструменты Оценки\Устройства Программирования, Удаления и Аксессуары\Устройства Программирования и Удаления

Технические параметры

Содержимое КомплектаProgrammer MSP-GANG
Поддерживаемые Семействаmsp430
Вес, г480
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