8.07.00 JTAG ISOLATOR, J-Link JTAG изолятор, подключен к J-Link и плате ARM, 20-контактный разъем JTAG-ARM

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8.07.00 JTAG ISOLATOR, J-Link JTAG изолятор, подключен к J-Link и плате ARM, 20-контактный разъем JTAG-ARM

8.07.00 JTAG ISOLATOR, J-Link JTAG изолятор, подключен к J-Link и плате ARM, 20-контактный разъем JTAG-ARM

картинка 8.07.00 JTAG ISOLATOR, J-Link JTAG изолятор, подключен к J-Link и плате ARM, 20-контактный разъем JTAG-ARM
24 240 руб.
SEGGER Microcontroller
Полное описание

The 8.07.00 JTAG ISOLATOR can be connected between J-Link and any ARM board that uses the standard 20 pin JTAG-ARM connector to provide electrical isolation. This is essential when the development tools are not connected to the same ground as the application. It is also useful to protect the development tools from electrical spikes that often occur in some applications, such as motor control applications. Another typical field of application is development of products with sensors or other analogue circuitry, in which case the target hardware is protected from electrical noise originating from the development PC. This product is compatible with J-Link, J-Link PRO, J-Link ULTRA+, J-Link PLUS and Flasher ARM.

• 1KV DC isolation
• 3.3V and 5V target operation supported
• Powered from emulator and target
• JTAG standard 20 pin connection supporting TRST, TDI, TMS, TCK, RTCK, TDO and RESET signals
• Power consumption on target side less than 50mA
• JTAG frequency up to 4MHz
• 3 LEDs to indicate emulator power, target power and target RESET

Макетные Платы, Инструменты Оценки\Отладчики, Эмуляторы, JTAG Инструменты и Аксессуары\Аксессуары для Отладчиков, Эмуляторов и Инструментов JTAG

Технические параметры

Тип аксессуараJ-Link JTAG Isolator
Для Использования сПлатами J-Link и ARM
Вес, г30
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