MAXREFDES131#, Датчик Grid-Eye, AMG8833, Maxim 1-Wire шина, DS28E17

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MAXREFDES131#, Датчик Grid-Eye, AMG8833, Maxim 1-Wire шина, DS28E17

MAXREFDES131#, Датчик Grid-Eye, AMG8833, Maxim 1-Wire шина, DS28E17

картинка MAXREFDES131#, Датчик Grid-Eye, AMG8833, Maxim 1-Wire шина, DS28E17
4 380 руб.
Maxim Semiconductor
Полное описание

The MAXREFDES131# from Maxim Integrated Products is a 1-WIRE Grid-EYE sensor. The MAXREFDES131# integrates the DS28E17 1-Wire-to-I2C master bridge with the AMG8833 Grid-EYE sensor from Panasonic electronic components. The system enables presence sensing, people counting and gestures while tethered up to 100m along the 1-Wire bus. The board features RJ-11 connectors and convenient mounting holes for quick evaluation and implementation. The source code for interfacing with MAXREFDES131# is available for both Arm, mbed and Arduino platforms. This design conveniently works with MAXREFDES132#, a hardware 1-Wire shield. A demonstration GUI allows for visual feedback of up to 10 daisy-chained MAXREFDES131# 1-Wire Grid-EYE sensors.

• Flexible location
• Power conserving sleep mode
• Extended range
• Building automation, People counting, Lighting control, Presence sensing, Gestures
• Cost effective

Макетные Платы, Инструменты Оценки\Комплекты Эталонных Дизайнов (RDK) и Специального Применения

Технические параметры

Содержимое КомплектаЭталонная плата
Номер Ядра ЧипаAMG8833, DS28E17
Подтип ПриложенияИнтернет Вещей (IoT)
Тип Приложения Наборадатчик
Вес, г126.1
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