MAXREFDES101#, Evaluation Kit, MAXREFDES101 Health Sensor Platform 2.0 Watch, Wearable Development

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MAXREFDES101#, Evaluation Kit, MAXREFDES101 Health Sensor Platform 2.0 Watch, Wearable Development

MAXREFDES101#, Evaluation Kit, MAXREFDES101 Health Sensor Platform 2.0 Watch, Wearable Development

картинка MAXREFDES101#, Evaluation Kit, MAXREFDES101 Health Sensor Platform 2.0 Watch, Wearable Development
42 680 руб.
Maxim Semiconductor
Полное описание

Unique evaluation and development platform in a wrist-worn wearable watch enclosure and a biometric sensor hub with an embedded heart-rate algorithm (MAX32664). Algorithm output and raw data can be streamed through Bluetooth® to an Android® app or PC GUI for demonstration, evaluation and customized development. It demonstrates the functions of a wide range of Maxim's products for health-sensing applications. This second-generation health sensor platform (a follow-on to the MAXREFDES100#) integrates a PPG analogue-front-end (AFE) sensor (MAX86141), a biopotential AFE (MAX30001), a human body temperature sensor (MAX30205), a microcontroller (MAX32630), a power-management IC (MAX20303) and a 6-axis accelerometer/gyroscope. It is suitable for use in wearable sports watch, healthcare tracker, on-demand ECG monitor and heart signal data tracker applications.

• Photoplethysmography (PPG)
• Biopotential measurement (ECG)
• Skin temperature
• Embedded heart-rate algorithm
• Motion and rotation

Макетные Платы, Инструменты Оценки\Комплекты Эталонных Дизайнов (RDK) и Специального Применения

Технические параметры

Содержимое КомплектаRef Design Board
Производитель ЧипаMaxim Integrated Products
Подтип ПриложенияMedical Health Platform
Тип Приложения Наборадатчик
Архитектура Ядраarm
Подархитектура ЯдраCortex-M4
Вес, г25
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