ISELED_ADK_EXT_D, Evaluation Kit, ISELED Application Kit, RGB LEDs, Digital Control, 16 x LED Bar

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ISELED_ADK_EXT_D, Evaluation Kit, ISELED Application Kit, RGB LEDs, Digital Control, 16 x LED Bar

ISELED_ADK_EXT_D, Evaluation Kit, ISELED Application Kit, RGB LEDs, Digital Control, 16 x LED Bar

картинка ISELED_ADK_EXT_D, Evaluation Kit, ISELED Application Kit, RGB LEDs, Digital Control, 16 x LED Bar
17 230 руб.
Полное описание

ISELED ADK extension kit dominant with digital controllable RGB LEDs (calibrated to D65 white point, 24bit colour space). It feature communication protocol such as addressing of up to 4079 LEDs, half-duplex, bi-directional 2Mbit/s communication, low latencies, differential communication in the chain, single ended communication between host and first LED, diagnostic support, optional CRC data protection.

• Complete ecosystem designed for automotive
• Temperature compensation for red LED
• 488Hz PWM frequency
• Daisy chain support
• LED bar with 16 dominant LEDs

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Технические параметры

Содержимое КомплектаISELED Extension Bar
Микросхема ЯдраINLC100Q16
Количество Выходов3выход(-ов)
Минимальное Входное Напряжение4.5В
Максимальное Входное Напряжение5.5В
Тип Управления ЗатемнениемШИМ
Вес, г3
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