AFBR-S50MV85G-EK, Evaluation Kit for Medium-range 3D Multipixel ToF Sensor AFBR-S50MV85G

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AFBR-S50MV85G-EK, Evaluation Kit for Medium-range 3D Multipixel ToF Sensor AFBR-S50MV85G

AFBR-S50MV85G-EK, Evaluation Kit for Medium-range 3D Multipixel ToF Sensor AFBR-S50MV85G

картинка AFBR-S50MV85G-EK, Evaluation Kit for Medium-range 3D Multipixel ToF Sensor AFBR-S50MV85G
37 070 руб.
Broadcom Limited
Полное описание

The AFBR-S50MV85G evaluation kit is composed of the following main components: - NXP FRDM-KL46Z evaluation board: Embedded microcontroller platform (ARM Cortex-M0+) used to read out the AFBR-S50MV85G ToF sensor's data and exchange with the PC. - AFBR-S50MV85G adapter board: The circuit board on which the AFBR-S50MV85G ToF sensor is mounted. It delivers out-of-box connection between the sensor and a microcontroller board without the need for soldering (just plug and play). - USB-mini cable: Required to establish a communication between the AFBR-S50MV85G and your system environment (for example, PC, embedded application system). - USB memory stick: Contains the software installer and factory configuration files.

Макетные Платы, Инструменты Оценки\Комплекты Разработчика Измерительных Устройств

Технические параметры

Производитель ЧипаBroadcom
Номер Ядра ЧипаAFBR-S50MV85G
Подтип Приложения3D Датчик Времени Полета
Тип Приложения Наборадатчик
Вес, г100
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