EVAL-ADXL377Z, Коммутационная плата, ADXL377 3-осевой аналоговый МЭМС акселерометр с высоким g
- Производитель
- Analog Devices
The EVAL-ADXL377Z is an evaluation board that allows quick evaluation of the performance of the ADXL377 accelerometer. The ADXL377 is a small, thin, low power, complete 3 axis accelerometer with signal conditioned voltage outputs. This 3 axis accelerometer measures acceleration resulting from motion, shock or vibration with a typical full scale range of ±200g. The small size of the evaluation board makes it easy to mount the accelerometer to an existing system without the need for additional hardware and with minimal effect on performance of the system and of the accelerometer. The EVAL-ADXL377Z has a 6 pin, 0.1inch spaced header for access to all power and signal lines that the user can attach to a prototyping board (breadboard) or to a wire using a standard plug. Four holes are provided for mechanical attachment of the EVAL-ADXL377Z to the application.
• 3 axis sensing
• Low power of 300µA (typical)
• Single supply operation range from 1.8V to 3.6V
• 10, 000g shock survival
• Excellent temperature stability
• Bandwidth adjustment with a single capacitor per axis
Макетные Платы, Инструменты Оценки\Комплекты Разработчика Измерительных Устройств
Технические параметры
Содержимое Комплекта | Оценочная плата ADXL377 |
Производитель Чипа | Analog Devices |
Номер Ядра Чипа | ADXL377 |
Подтип Приложения | Акселерометр - Трехосевой |
Тип Приложения Набора | Обнаружение - Навигация, Позиция |
Sensor Technology | Датчик акселерометр |
Производитель | Analog Devices |
Featured Device | ADXL377 |
Kit Classification | Оценочная плата |
Вес, г | 47.63 |
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