ARRAYX-BOB3-16P-GEVK, Evaluation Board, SensL ArrayX-300xx Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM), 4 x 4, Signal Breakout Board

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ARRAYX-BOB3-16P-GEVK, Evaluation Board, SensL ArrayX-300xx Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM), 4 x 4, Signal Breakout Board

ARRAYX-BOB3-16P-GEVK, Evaluation Board, SensL ArrayX-300xx Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM), 4 x 4, Signal Breakout Board

картинка ARRAYX-BOB3-16P-GEVK, Evaluation Board, SensL ArrayX-300xx Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM), 4 x 4, Signal Breakout Board
16 130 руб.
ON Semiconductor
Полное описание

The C-Series SIPM is a solid state alternative to the legacy PMT for a wide range of applications with easy evaluation with using either the SMA Connector or Pin Evaluation Boards. Featuring industry-leading low dark count rates of 30 kHz/mm2, in combination with exceptional breakdown voltage uniformity of ±250 mV. The high photon detection efficiency (PDE) extends far into the blue part of the spectrum using a high-volume, CMOS process. They are packaged in a tileable molded lead frame (MLP) package that is compatible with industry standard, lead-free, reflow soldering processes. C-Series also feature a unique fast output for fast timing applications.

• Greater than 40% PDE at 420 nm, and extended sensitivity to 300 nm for improved UV sensitivity
• Ultra-low dark count rates of 30 kHz/mm8
• Exceptional breakdown voltage uniformity of ±250 mV over all C-Series products
• Ultra-fast rise times of 300 ps with 600 ps pulse width from a unique 'fast output' terminal
• Best Vbr uniformity in the industry
• Solid state alternative to the legacy PMT for a wide range of applications
• Best Vbr uniformity in the industry
• Solid state alternative to the legacy PMT for a wide range of applications

Макетные Платы, Инструменты Оценки\Комплекты Разработчика Измерительных Устройств

Технические параметры

Содержимое КомплектаEval Board ARRAYC-30035-16P
Производитель ЧипаOn Semiconductor
Номер Ядра ЧипаARRAYC-30035-16P
Подтип ПриложенияSilicon Photomultiplier Sensor (SiPM)
Тип Приложения Наборадатчик
Вес, г20
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