DLPNIRNANOEVM, Оценочный модуль, DLP2010NIR цифровое устройство микрозеркала, микроконтроллер TM4C1297NCZAD Tiva™ C

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DLPNIRNANOEVM, Оценочный модуль, DLP2010NIR цифровое устройство микрозеркала, микроконтроллер TM4C1297NCZAD Tiva™ C

DLPNIRNANOEVM, Оценочный модуль, DLP2010NIR цифровое устройство микрозеркала, микроконтроллер TM4C1297NCZAD Tiva™ C

картинка DLPNIRNANOEVM, Оценочный модуль, DLP2010NIR цифровое устройство микрозеркала, микроконтроллер TM4C1297NCZAD Tiva™ C
89 550 руб.
Texas Instruments
Полное описание

The DLPNIRNANOEVM is a DLP NIRscan Nano evaluation module. It is a third party implementation of next generation DLP reference design to enable faster development cycles for mobile spectrometer applications. The DLP NIRscan Nano is a compact battery operated evaluation module (EVM) for portable near infrared spectroscopy solutions. Featuring the DLP2010NIR digital micro mirror device (DMD), the NIRscan Nano supports Bluetooth low energy to enable mobile lab measurements for hand-held spectrometers. The EVM incorporates the DLP2010NIR DMD, a diffraction grating and single element detector to replace expensive InGaAs linear array based detector designs. With its TI Tiva TM4C1297NCZAD processor, databases in the cloud can be leveraged through cellular networks for real time lab equivalent analytics which allow food or skin analysis and wearable health monitor solutions. Developers can also create their own data collection and analysis through innovative iOS and Android applications.

• 854 x 480 pixel micro mirror array size and 5.4µm micro mirror pixel pitch
• ±17° micro mirror tilt angle and 900 to 1700nm EVM wavelength
• 10nm EVM spectral resolution and 6000: 1 EVM signal to noise ratio (reflective head)
• 2.88KHz EVM maximum scan speed
• CC2564MODN Bluetooth low energy module for Bluetooth 4.0 connectivity
• Reflective illumination module with two integrated infrared lamps
• Microcontroller board, DLP controller board, detector board and DMD board
• 1mm single pixel InGaAs non cooled detector
• Collimating lenses, 885nm long wave pass filter, reflective diffraction grating & focusing lenses

Макетные Платы, Инструменты Оценки\Комплекты Разработчика Измерительных Устройств

Технические параметры

Содержимое КомплектаОценочная плата DLP2010NIR
Производитель ЧипаTexas Instruments
Номер Ядра ЧипаTM4C1297, DLP2010NIR
Подтип ПриложенияЦифровая Обработка Света (DLP)
Тип Приложения НабораОбнаружение - Изображение, Свет
Вес, г176.9
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