DK-20948, Development Kit, ICM-209489-Axis Motion Sensor, Accelerometer/Gyroscope, SmartMotion

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DK-20948, Development Kit, ICM-209489-Axis Motion Sensor, Accelerometer/Gyroscope, SmartMotion

DK-20948, Development Kit, ICM-209489-Axis Motion Sensor, Accelerometer/Gyroscope, SmartMotion

картинка DK-20948, Development Kit, ICM-209489-Axis Motion Sensor, Accelerometer/Gyroscope, SmartMotion
9 610 руб.
Полное описание

Comprehensive development platform for ICM-20948 9-axis motion sensor that combines a 3-axis gyroscope, a 3-axis accelerometer, a 3-axis compass and a DMPTM (Digital Motion Processor™). The development kit comes with necessary software including InvenSense® motionLink, a GUI based development tool and embedded motion drivers for ICM-20948. Embedded Motion Drivers (eMD) consists of a set of APIs to configure various aspects of the platform including ICM-20948 sensor parameters such as full-scale range (FSR), output data rate (ODR), low-power or low-noise mode and sensor interface to host (I2C, SPI). MotionLink is a GUI based development tool included with the platform. It can be used to capture and visualize the sensor data from the motion sensor.

• SmartMotion® platform by InvenSense®
• Microchip G55 MCU with 512KB flash
• On-board embedded debugger for programming and debugging
• USB connectors for host interface to support software debug and sensor data logging
• Board power supply through USB
• Sensor fusion
• Accelerometer, gyroscope and compass calibration
• Rotation vector, Game rotation vector, gravity, linear acceleration android functions
• Step detection and step count pedometer functions
• Pickup, tilt, bring to see gestures

Макетные Платы, Инструменты Оценки\Комплекты Разработчика Измерительных Устройств

Технические параметры

Содержимое КомплектаDevelopment Kit ICM-20948, Software
Производитель ЧипаInvensense
Номер Ядра ЧипаICM-20948
Подтип Приложениядатчик
Тип Приложения Наборадатчик
Вес, г25
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