UMFT311GP, Плата Shield, модули разработчика FT311D
- Производитель
- Future Technology Devices
The UMFT311GP is a GPIO board. This board has push button keypad which can be used as a user input and LED which can be used as output. The GPIO board is intended for use as a hardware platform to enable easy evaluation of GPIO and PWM interfaces in the FT311D development module. It has LEDs and switches to validate the GPIO and PWM interface of the FT311D device by a user to begin developing Android open accessory applications based on the FT311D device. This GPIO board can also be used with the Vinco development module as a LED and keypad interface.
• Eight GPIO lines interface
• Eight LEDs controlled through the GPIO interface
• Eight push button Switch to be used as user input which is connected to GPIO interface
• 5V single supply operation
• 300mA board supply current
• Suitable for use with FT311D development board
• Suitable for use with FT311D development board
• Suitable for use with Vinco development module
• Voltage regulator to convert 5V to 3.3V
• Connector P8 to interface with the FT311D module
Макетные Платы, Инструменты Оценки\Аксессуары Аналоговых Комплектов Разработчика
Технические параметры
Тип аксессуара | Плата Shield |
Для Использования с | Модулями разработки FT311D |
Вес, г | 35 |
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