UCC27531EVM-184, Дочерняя карта, драйвер UCC27531DBV

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UCC27531EVM-184, Дочерняя карта, драйвер UCC27531DBV

UCC27531EVM-184, Дочерняя карта, драйвер UCC27531DBV

картинка UCC27531EVM-184, Дочерняя карта, драйвер UCC27531DBV
4 460 руб.
Texas Instruments
Полное описание

The UCC27531EVM-184 is a fully isolated Gate Driver Daughter Card that provides a test platform for a quick and easy evaluation of the UCC27531DBV driver. Powered by a single +12V external supply and featuring a comprehensive set of test points and jumpers, this board can be used for the evaluation of an isolated driver suitable for driving power converter applications. This board accepts drive signals and directs them across an isolated boundary, allowing it to be used to drive low or high side switches. This board is intended as an evaluation tool for the UCC27531 and is not intended for use as an end product.

• IGBT gate-driver daughter card with input/output signal and bias isolation
• Includes optocoupler for signal path isolation and isolated bias supplies
• Requires only a single 12V input voltage for bias supply
• Can be used as a high-side or low-side complete gate drive
• Additional option for negative gate to emitter voltage (VGE)
• Isolated input for enable/disable function
• 11 Test points and 16 single pin jumpers

Макетные Платы, Инструменты Оценки\Аксессуары Аналоговых Комплектов Разработчика

Технические параметры

Тип аксессуараДочерняя карта
Для Использования сДрайвером UCC27531DBV
Вес, г170.6
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