TMC6200-BOB, Evaluation Board, TMC6200 Motor Driver Breakout Board, PMSM, BLDC, Full Pin Access

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TMC6200-BOB, Evaluation Board, TMC6200 Motor Driver Breakout Board, PMSM, BLDC, Full Pin Access

TMC6200-BOB, Evaluation Board, TMC6200 Motor Driver Breakout Board, PMSM, BLDC, Full Pin Access

картинка TMC6200-BOB, Evaluation Board, TMC6200 Motor Driver Breakout Board, PMSM, BLDC, Full Pin Access
4 910 руб.
Полное описание

Trinamic's TMC6200 is the new high-voltage gate-driver with in-line motor current sensing for BLDC motors and PMSM servo motors of up to 100A using external MOSFETs. Three in-line sense resistors allow for current measurement that is robust against PWM noise. This makes the TMC6200 ideal for delta-sigma current measurement, which is implemented in the TMC4671. This type of measurement is more effective than bottom shunt measurement, which needs to be blanked out around the switching events and can only be used with SAR ADCs.

Макетные Платы, Инструменты Оценки\Аксессуары Аналоговых Комплектов Разработчика

Технические параметры

Тип аксессуараBreakout Board
Для Использования сTrinamic TMC6200-TA 3-Phase Gate Driver
Вес, г1.361
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