ADM00665, Оценочная плата, конвертер Thermocouple EMF to C, на основе MCP9600

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ADM00665, Оценочная плата, конвертер Thermocouple EMF to C, на основе MCP9600

ADM00665, Оценочная плата, конвертер Thermocouple EMF to C, на основе MCP9600

картинка ADM00665, Оценочная плата, конвертер Thermocouple EMF to C, на основе MCP9600
6 250 руб.
Полное описание
MCP9600 Thermocouple Voltage Converter Development Board
This Development Board from Microchip is an evaluation platform for the MCP9600, a Thermocouple to Digital Converter that digitises the Thermocouple EMF into degrees Celsius with an accuracy of ±1.5°C that integrates Cold-Junction Compensation.

The board connects via USB to a host PC running Microchips Thermal Management Software. This GUI allows users to investigate the programmable features of the device such as the configurable Low-Power modes and the Temperature Alert outputs.

Supplied with the board is a K Type Thermocouple that connects via the installed K Type socket. Other Thermocouple types can also be used, a simple changeover of the on-board socket to the desired Thermocouple type is all that is required.
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