BP100-0.008-00-1212, Термоизолятор, Bond-Ply 100 .008, лист 12 x 12, 0.8 Вт/м.K, 6 кВ, 0.203 мм

Производство и продажа электронных компонентов

+7 (495) 984-68-02
Работаем в обычном режиме с 10-18, Пн-Пт. Отгружаем только юридическим лицам
BP100-0.008-00-1212, Термоизолятор, Bond-Ply 100 .008, лист 12 x 12, 0.8 Вт/м.K, 6 кВ, 0.203 мм

BP100-0.008-00-1212, Термоизолятор, Bond-Ply 100 .008, лист 12 x 12, 0.8 Вт/м.K, 6 кВ, 0.203 мм

картинка BP100-0.008-00-1212, Термоизолятор, Bond-Ply 100 .008, лист 12 x 12, 0.8 Вт/м.K, 6 кВ, 0.203 мм
6 940 руб.
Полное описание

The BP100-0.008-00-1212 is a 0.008-inch Thermal Insulator used in bond-ply products requires the use of dual liners to protect the surfaces from contaminants. Bergquist recommends a 6-month shelf life at a maximum continuous storage temperature of 35°C or 3-month shelf life at a maximum continuous storage temperature of 45°C, for maintenance of controlled adhesion to the liner. The shelf life of the bond-ply material, without consideration of liner adhesion (which is often not critical for manual assembly processing), is recommended at 12 months from date of manufacture at a maximum continuous storage temperature of 60°C. It is suitable for mount heat sink onto BGA graphic processor or drives processor and mounts heat spreader onto power converter PCB or onto motor control PCB applications.

• Fibre-glass reinforced pressure sensitive adhesive tape
• High bond strength to a variety of surfaces
• Double-sided
• High performance, thermally conductive acrylic adhesive
• Can be used instead of heat-cure adhesive, screw mounting or clip mounting

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