DIP панель 40-контактная с нулевым усилием

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DIP панель 40-контактная с нулевым усилием

DIP панель 40-контактная с нулевым усилием

картинка DIP панель 40-контактная с нулевым усилием
1 060 руб.
Aries Electronics
Полное описание

This universal test socket allows often removed devices, such as PROMs and EPROMs, to be inserted and removed many times without the possibility of leg damage. When the integral lever is in the vertical position, the socket holes are open and the IC can be easily inserted. When the lever is moved to the horizontal position the socket clAmps the legs of the device firmly, 'locking' it into place. The wide socket holes enable ICs with 0.3, 0.4 and 0.6 pitch pins to be used in the same sockets thus allowing the VAst majority of devices to be used.

Технические параметры

Серияzif с нулевым усил.
Количество контактов40
Шаг контактов2.54
Материал изолятораполимер усилен.стекл.
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